

He sits there in the corner. Watching me as I rush by, getting kids fed and dressed and taxiing them to their various daily destinations. He never complains, only patiently waits for my attention. Sometimes days, or even a week go by, without me bothering to do stop, even for a minute, to make room in my life for him. Because he knows that I will come back and when I do, with the utmost attention and fondness. So he waits, quietly, peacefully.   I pulled this bit from an article in Elephant Journal.  It inspired 2 shiny, new resolutions....
  1. Sadly this article reminded me of my dog, though the author was addressing her yoga mat.  My sweet 7 year old Boxer gets the love, attention, and basic necessities required from any competent dog owner.  But I won't pretend that he gets the same amount of activity that he did in days when it was just the two of us.  So I resolve to take him for a walk - a real, all the way around the neighborhood, exhausted and panting on the floor afterwards, walk no matter what the weather - atleast once a week.
  2. My yoga mat hasn't been waiting patiently for a few days or even a few weeks.  More like months.  Months that seem like decades in a body that feels worn and flabby.  So I also resolve to attend one yoga (or pilates) class each week.  As a little thank you to my body for time well served and a bonus to my mind for working so hard. 
Because you can't go wrong with dogs and yoga.  Right?  Right!

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