
My little buddy is 7 months old

It's hard to believe that 7 months have passed so quickly. It seems like just last night they were wheeling me and my sweet, brand new little bundle into the recovery room of the hospital where we spent our first days together as mommy and son. I pray that January 30th, 2009 stays as fresh in my mind as it is now and that the first site of his adorable wrinkled forehead and big beautiful eyes don't get lost in the shuffle of every other amazing thing that we witness from him. Change is an every day occurrence in our home lately and at times it feels almost impossible to keep up. He's turning into a little boy, right before my very eyes.

sitting/crawling/walking - my little man has mastered the fine art of sitting all on his own. No more holding on to the floor with his hands to keep him steady AND no more laying on the boppy like a little vegetable watching everyone else have all the fun. I was so happy and relieved when he mastered this. Now we can sit on the floor together, play, roll the ball, pat-a-cake, and all those other amazing things you do with your baby. He doesn't really show much interest in crawling. In fact, he truly hates tummy time. Dare I say that i'm almost hoping he completely by-passes crawling and shoots straight into walking. No dog hair, carpet fuzz, or shoe dirt in the mouth. You know? His legs are so strong that sometimes it amazes me. He's 7 months old and he can stand, with ease, as long as he has a leaning post. Maybe it's normal, but this proud mama is totally amazed.

talking - boy, is this ever a skill he possesses. His favorite word is, of course, "da-da". But he does throw many other 2 letter mixes into his "da-da" ramblings. Sometimes I swear he's saying "hey". I adore his tiny voice and love that he's expressing it so well. I'm eager to hear more. Especially a big, loud "mama".

eating - his little taste buds have been exposed to a wide variety of flavors recently. His likes so far: pears, peaches, banana, applesauce, butternut squash, sweet potato, blueberries, yellow squash, zucchini, avocado, sweet peas, carrots His dislikes so far: I added lime and cilantro to his avocado and he refuses to eat it - I think it's the tartness of the lime. I gave him a vanilla flavored teething cookie last night for the first time and he went bonkers. He loved it so much that he cried when it fell on the floor and I had to throw it away.

teething - oh yea! We've got the whole enchilada going on - constant drooling, fussiness for no reason, random & mild fevers, chewing on hands, breaking out around the chin. They are COMING! I was putting Orajel on his tired little gums last night and could really feel the tops of his front bottom teeth. I can't wait for them to make their appearance. I've been hearing alot about these "teething tablets" that i'm going to look into. Any thoughts?

This little man continues to be the light in my day (can you tell?). Everyday comes and it feels like I couldn't love him any more and then another day awakes to find me with a touch more than before. He almost ALWAYS has a smile on his face. He loves new people and new places and has yet to develop stranger anxiety which should have made it's appearance by now. This makes me happy. He is fascinated by light, but I believe this may be a characteristic for most babies - his fave toy is the one that lights up and play music. He loves to sit on the bed, playing with his blocks, while John and I get ready in the mornings, and has already figured out that "our" t.v. remote works and "his" doesn't. One of my favorite qualities is his amazing ability to observe. He watches so intently and within no time is trying to imitate my actions, i.e. clapping his hands or blowing bubbles. He is fascinated by the dog and lights up like a little firefly when he receives a good hand licking.

He has the most beautiful big brown eyes - the first thing people comment on when they see him. His smile is so big and open that it lights up his whole face. And the little chunk rolls on his legs are almost irresistable.

I'm fascinated by this boy, and more so each and every day. I was talking with a mommy-friend a few months ago and we were agreeing that we didn't want to become those mommies that only ever talk about their kids. Now, 4 months later, I realize WHY those mommies do that - because having a child is the COOLEST and MOST INTERESTING occurence in a woman's life. Nothing else trumps it!


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