

list for grocery store. list of bills. list of items to pack for the hospital. list of toiletries that need to be stocked. list of cleaning supplies that need to be stocked. list of baby necesseties still needed. list of people to call when i go into labor. list of things to wrap up at work. list of vacation beach houses to sort through. list of thank-you notes that still need to be written. list of favorite inspiring quotes for those less-than-easy days. list of places on my body that need a good looong PROFESSIONAL (and i can't emphasize that enough) massage. list of pros for buying a new home. list of cons for buying a new home. list of chores. list of every kind of battery under the sun for the smorgasbord of baby gadgets in our home. list of goals. list of books i want to read. list of creative new ways to bend and/or reach. and saving the best for last... list of the reasons i love john so very much & can't wait to introduce this new baby to our life & home.


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