

What is "skyping" and why do I seem to be the last person under the age of 35 to be in the know? I mean, I thought I was a pretty savvy gal but this one's got me puzzled. I feel like that stupid word is everywhere I turn these days - in other friend's blogs, on their facebook pages, and even on professional business cards! SKYPING? I assume that it's some form of communication, possibly of the internet medium, but that is just not enough.

I google....

and UnifiedCommunications.com says,"Skype is an IP telephony service provider that offers free calling between subscribers and low-cost calling to people who don't use the service. In addition to standard telephone calls, Skype enables file transfers, texting, video chat and videoconferencing. The service is available for desktop computers, notebook and tablet computers and other mobile devices, including mobile phones. A number of companies, including Skype, produce dedicated Skype phones."

I'm still confused. Telephone? Computer? Texting? I'm obviously out of the technological loop and need someone to pull me back in ASAP!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh C- Skyping is my LIFE!!! You will love it with the little one on his way. Basically you download the program on your computer (best if you have a built in camera and microphone on your laptop but not necessary-u can also use a web-cam and speakers/headset)and set up a username. Then anyone else who has a Skype account can talk to you while seeing you when you are on the computer. It is great. We use it all the time with my brother's family being so far away. It made Christmas bareable this year. Also, best part is it is FREE!!! Crazy huh? Still haven't figured out how they are able to have it free? You can also use it to call cell phones and such for really cheap rates. This is mainly good for over-seas calls. So go download SKYPE and you can test call me! :)