
I'm laying in bed last night. 1:45 am. Eyes open. Wide awake.

I know, I know. I should be absorbing every single ounce of sleep that I can get my hands on but it just doesn't seem to be working out that way. I have Mr. Acid Reflux fighting to keep my top half awake, a babe in the belly who enjoys participating in midnight activities like "the worm" and kick boxing, and something that I never even believed in until it happened to me - Restless Leg Syndrome - working on my lower half (yes! it does exist). All that I need to top it off is the constant snoring of John and Tucker (which I get plenty of) and i'm pretty much guaranteed a no-sleep night. I've become a big fan of the mid-day nap.

But I digress... it's 1:45 am and what am I doing? Laying in bed thinking "I haven't been on my blog to catch everyone up to speed." Am I the only moron thinking about my blog when I should be sleeping? Nevertheless, here I am, catching you up.

After much thought and discussion with the doctor, we have decided that inducing labor may be the best route for us. "Butterbean" is a week late now and my doctor has concerns about him going too far beyond his due date. I'm also kicking myself in the rear that I started maternity leave 3 weeks ago, which means that every passing day is one less I will spend with the little bugger before I go back to work. :( I'm trying not to focus on that one too much. So it looks like Friday morning at 6:30 we will be making our way to the hospital to make the amazing journey into parenthood. Friday! It's just the most surreal feeling i've ever had. Someone's life will be beginning on Friday because of me & John. Wow!

Please keep little baby Greider in your thoughts as he ventures out on this amazing journey called 'life'.

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