
hasta luego

Tomorrow, I say good-bye to the stresses of paper jams, contracts, needy brokers, and the lack of privacy that surrounds my work space. Okay, so it's not forever but three full months of maternity leave is nothing to frown upon when you've been despising your drive into work every morning for about 8 months.

I can't wait to wake up in the morning to a sweet little baby, hang around in my jammies and feed him while we scope out an old Golden Girls episode (John is apalled that I can name every character - on the show and in real life) knowing all the while that the world is our oyster. Our afternoons will be filled with lunch dates, walks in the park, i'm sure a few poopy diapers, story time in his oh-so-fabulous nursery, and all of those other wonderful things that mommies do to bond with their babies.

Aside from baby, I also plan to use this time to re-invent myself. I've gotten so bogged down in pregnancy and work, that i've really been ignoring poor little Courtney. I need to get my creative juices revved back up and start working on some of the goals that I set for myself back in a time that I can't even remember anymore. I guess you could say that this is my new year's resolution.

So here's a toast to the new Courtney - a mommy, creative genius, and lover of life! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Here Here!!!

Katie said...

I'm so excited for you I could pee my pants. We demand pics as soon as possible! Good luck girl, you'll be a great mom.