
My little buddy is 3 months old!

My, my, how quickly time passes...

JANUARY 30TH, 2009 (Sully's Birth Day):

APRIL 30TH, 2009:

Little Butterbean sure has grown and time seems to be flying past me faster than a train. The 3 month mark finds him making big changes in his baby life. He babbles ALL the time and I have to wonder if he thinks that he's really saying words. I guess those "ga's" and "daaaa's" are words to him and probably what i'm saying sounds like babble. It's all about perspective, right. I just can't get enough of his sounds and you wouldn't believe the fool I make of myself sometimes just to get a reaction.

He has the greatest smile i've ever seen and loves to flash that thing whenever he can. I can always count on one really jumbo smile when I make my aftermoon entrance into the nursery. He smiles so big that it seems like he's been waiting all day for me to get there and can hardly control his happiness when he sees me. It's an amazing feeling to bring a smile like that to anyone's face, but especially a baby. It's the best part of my day and I would like to think that it's his too.

He is much more observant of his surroundings than I would expect a baby to be. His eyes get wide when you talk to him and he follows people and objects, sometimes even turning his head all the way around to catch a glance.

He loves bath time and, I think, has grown to depend on that as a part of his day. He can get pretty fussy on nights that we try to skip it.

He also loves it when I take his hands and do "the itsy bitsy spider" and "row, row, row your boat". More guaranteed smiles!

I love to watch him sleep because he always has a hand on his face (note the above picture) which is funny because, from what i've been told, my Papa Sully who he was named after, did the exact same thing. How ironic. He also enjoys sleeping with his arms above his head, like his Pop does. :)

He has started grasping onto things and is a pretty strong little guy. His favorite is to get a big wad of my hair. I'll probably need strong doses of Rogaine and hair implants by the time he's done with me. John was giving him his bottle last night and Sully actually grabbed the bottle and held it ON HIS OWN.

3 months ago, this little guy barely moved, never opened his eyes, ate, slept, and pooped ONLY. Now he's doing all of these amazing things that just blow me away every day.

Lookout television, there's a new medium on the scene!

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