
This little piggy

Yesterday, I was extremely busy at work (surprising) and before I knew it, I had breezed right past lunch into 2 o'clock. Hunger wasn't taking over so I figured that I would just hold out until dinner - any meal that I can skip in an attempt to lose a few pre-bikini pounds would be great.

3:30 rolls around and as I'm driving to deposit a company check in the bank, I pass McDonald's and realize I'M STARVING. Seeing as how McDonald's french fries are my greatest food weakness, you can guess what happened next. "No not medium... LARGE," I told the drive-thru lady.

I get back to my desk at work and begin frantically cramming fries into my mouth to help ease the headache I had developed from trying to skip lunch. All the while, I was praying that a co-worker wouldn't come over and ask for a fry - what a fatty!

So, there I am, shoving fries in, when all of a sudden, it happened. I actually bit my own finger. BIT.IT! And not just the tip, halfway down the freakin' finger. Oink Oink!

I decided then and there that it was time to take action. Not only is there alot of beach time in my future, I have wedding gowns to try on and bridal portraits. I need to be looking fabuloso. From here until indefinitely I am not allowed to indulge in fast food or drink sodas (canned Coke, another weakness). I will also be making sure to eat some (healthy) lunch everyday so to prevent this catastrophy from ever happening again.

Pray for me. And pray for the people at McDonalds, because i'm sure they're gonna miss me.

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