
To all you pregos.....

One of my very first gifts as a pregger was the Jenny McCarthy book Belly Laughs, compliments of my sweet Carissa.

With no idea what to expect, I dove in yesterday. Teary-eyed on the first page I wondered, what has my friend gotten me into???

Jenny writes, and I quote...

To Evan-

the little man who changed Mommy's world.

Thank you for filling my soul with giggles and

allowing me to experience the kind of love

I had only read about in fairy tales.

You are my sunshine.


Fortunately the phone rings shortly after "sunshine" and I was forced to suck up my blubbering and put on the professional face. Maybe it's a good rule of thumb for pregnant women NOT to read "these" books at work. I'm certain that somewhere, some poor male customer's comfort level has been compromised because he mistakenly walked into the office of a woman who just read the above paragraph. But who cares what they think anyway!

My journey with Jenny continues.

Who knew such fascination lay in a book of pregnancy. Actually, I guess it should be pretty fascinating considering it does lead up to the moment where we squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of a hole that's the size of a lemon. So scratch that.
But, seriously, this lady really knows her stuff. After "sunshine" it was ALL sunshine. In fact, it has been nothing but non-stop laughter since the first page of the first chapter. And not normal laughter. You know what I'm talking about. The out loud, uncontrollable, people are staring and pointing, deep, I just did the equivalent of 1,000 crunches LAUGHTER!
This girl, god love 'er, actually goes into detail about weighing her own boobs. The woman weighed her boobs. My kinda girl! On page 59, I almost peed myself when she said, "I have a food scale and I just had to know how they'd compare to a meal, so I plopped a breast up on the little metal tray. Each breast: 5 pounds. That's ten pounds of breast. Think of that in terms of chicken and you'll quickly see that your breasts could feed a family of eight or ten people."
I couldn't thank my dear friend more for sending this little treasure of laughter my way. I may have cried in the following pages but it was only from my inability to control bursts of hysterical cackling. This lady is dead-on and I suggest ALL of you bun-baking females rush out and buy it.
When you do finally get it, read the "Psycho Chick" chapter TWICE, and know that we're all in it together!!!
I'm off to purchase a food scale, so until next time......
Love & Hugs!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

congratulations courtney! i can't wait to meet you! you sound like a ton of fun! :)