

Candy or Plastic????

That is the question!

Anyone care to explain why the world continues to be so hyped about a non-flavored piece of candy that has the consistency of plastic? I just don't get it!

The thing that gets me... people "love" these rubber-like sticks (which in my opinion are the red-headed step child of candy) so much that I'm certain someone out there, right now, is pissed at me for daring to speak such words. Some avid Twizzler lover is soon to bombard my in-box with hate mail, i'm sure of it!

All of that aside, I am a strong supporter of the Hershey Corporation. Did you know that every time you purchase a piece of Hershey candy, the proceeds are filtered into a trust for an orphanage founded by Milton Hershey and his wife? See for yourself.... click HERE! That’s just one of the great things that Mr. Hershey did while he was alive! You've gotta give it to the man, even though his company did invent the "plastic candy". ;)

So maybe instead of Twizzler, I'll stick with his much cooler brother, Hershey kiss. All in the family, right!

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