

I find myself fascinated with sunsets lately! I am gravitated towards those mystic purples and pinks, yellows and oranges, all swirling together, as if God has cast his large celestial paint brush against the sky creating this oh-so-perfect masterpiece… like SOULSHINE! It’s getting to the point where I can hardly drive home from work in the evenings because I’m too busy staring off into that captivating sky-line. A thought I shared with my mom on the afternoon commute yesterday….. BIG NO, NO. Her maternal instincts kick in, and I instantly get the “you could accidentally drive off the side of the bridge” talk. Valid point, I will give her that! To ease her worries and ensure the safety of other motorists (as that seems important also) I reduce to quick glances at this gift from God – a perfect way to end the tiresome day. This soon leads into a free-flow of thoughts and I find myself reflecting on life. Where have I been? Where am I going? And on, and on! What magical power does this sunset possess, that it can force me into self reflection at a moment when all I want to do is push the entire world out of my mind?

At any rate, here I am…. driving and self-reflecting.

As I ramble on, to myself, I realize that I need an outlet. Not a voice on the phone or chatting over a bottle of wine (although I do L-O-V-E both of these activities) but a place of refuge where I can release my thoughts freely. No personal contact! Just me in an empty room, fingers to the keyboard. So here I go! This is me! A twenty-something lady, eagerly working to discover my place in this world, and HOPING that somewhere in the mix of all these words, I will get it right!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blogoshere, my sweet! I can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

soulshine! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

You sound very transcendental! Oh so Thoreau! As he says, "Only that day dawns to which we are awake!" Keep blogging li'l sis.

Anonymous said...

You are such a beautiful person, inside and out and I can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

Your words make my heart yern for some good ole' CHARLESTON!! Although the sunset is beautiful in chester, nothing compares to the relfection of the fading sun over the Charleston harbor....miss you!