
(cue Steve Carell in a TV ad for The Office)

Mom:  Ew. Ew. (note that it warranted a double "ew")

Me:  Why are you "ew"-ing at him? 

Mom:  I don't like him at all.  I never have.

Me:  What??? I love him.  Why don't you like him?

Mom:  I don't know.  I've never liked him.

Me:  You've GOT to be the only person I know that doesn't like him.  He's so funny.  I don't get it.

Mom:  I just.... don't really like the way he looks.  Okay!

She would kill me if she knew I posted this on my blog but I just couldn't help myself.  Poor Steve Carell never stood a chance, I guess.  Too bad because the day after we had this little convo I heard on the radio that ol' Steve raked in a cool 34 mil in 2009.

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