
My little buddy is 3 months old!

My, my, how quickly time passes...

JANUARY 30TH, 2009 (Sully's Birth Day):

APRIL 30TH, 2009:

Little Butterbean sure has grown and time seems to be flying past me faster than a train. The 3 month mark finds him making big changes in his baby life. He babbles ALL the time and I have to wonder if he thinks that he's really saying words. I guess those "ga's" and "daaaa's" are words to him and probably what i'm saying sounds like babble. It's all about perspective, right. I just can't get enough of his sounds and you wouldn't believe the fool I make of myself sometimes just to get a reaction.

He has the greatest smile i've ever seen and loves to flash that thing whenever he can. I can always count on one really jumbo smile when I make my aftermoon entrance into the nursery. He smiles so big that it seems like he's been waiting all day for me to get there and can hardly control his happiness when he sees me. It's an amazing feeling to bring a smile like that to anyone's face, but especially a baby. It's the best part of my day and I would like to think that it's his too.

He is much more observant of his surroundings than I would expect a baby to be. His eyes get wide when you talk to him and he follows people and objects, sometimes even turning his head all the way around to catch a glance.

He loves bath time and, I think, has grown to depend on that as a part of his day. He can get pretty fussy on nights that we try to skip it.

He also loves it when I take his hands and do "the itsy bitsy spider" and "row, row, row your boat". More guaranteed smiles!

I love to watch him sleep because he always has a hand on his face (note the above picture) which is funny because, from what i've been told, my Papa Sully who he was named after, did the exact same thing. How ironic. He also enjoys sleeping with his arms above his head, like his Pop does. :)

He has started grasping onto things and is a pretty strong little guy. His favorite is to get a big wad of my hair. I'll probably need strong doses of Rogaine and hair implants by the time he's done with me. John was giving him his bottle last night and Sully actually grabbed the bottle and held it ON HIS OWN.

3 months ago, this little guy barely moved, never opened his eyes, ate, slept, and pooped ONLY. Now he's doing all of these amazing things that just blow me away every day.

Lookout television, there's a new medium on the scene!


"A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous" ~ CoCo Chanel


This little piggy

Yesterday, I was extremely busy at work (surprising) and before I knew it, I had breezed right past lunch into 2 o'clock. Hunger wasn't taking over so I figured that I would just hold out until dinner - any meal that I can skip in an attempt to lose a few pre-bikini pounds would be great.

3:30 rolls around and as I'm driving to deposit a company check in the bank, I pass McDonald's and realize I'M STARVING. Seeing as how McDonald's french fries are my greatest food weakness, you can guess what happened next. "No not medium... LARGE," I told the drive-thru lady.

I get back to my desk at work and begin frantically cramming fries into my mouth to help ease the headache I had developed from trying to skip lunch. All the while, I was praying that a co-worker wouldn't come over and ask for a fry - what a fatty!

So, there I am, shoving fries in, when all of a sudden, it happened. I actually bit my own finger. BIT.IT! And not just the tip, halfway down the freakin' finger. Oink Oink!

I decided then and there that it was time to take action. Not only is there alot of beach time in my future, I have wedding gowns to try on and bridal portraits. I need to be looking fabuloso. From here until indefinitely I am not allowed to indulge in fast food or drink sodas (canned Coke, another weakness). I will also be making sure to eat some (healthy) lunch everyday so to prevent this catastrophy from ever happening again.

Pray for me. And pray for the people at McDonalds, because i'm sure they're gonna miss me.


My little 11-1/2 week old talker...


My Virgo Horoscope compliments of Yahoo.com

Past mistakes or missteps are all water under the bridge -- you cannot think of them when you are thinking about what to do next. Looking backwards when you're trying to go forward is a recipe for disaster. So if you're embarking on any new projects, relationships or work environments today, you have to have an open mind and a strong attitude that anything is possible. Positive thinking will empower you and encourage you to take chances when you might not have before.

I posted this because of how relevant it is to my life at this point. But, it seems to be the perfect inspiration for any old day.

Herb's the word

It was absolutely perfect weather here yesterday so I decided to take Sully and explore the new spring flower displays at Lowe's and Home Depot. As we strolled through the brightly colored, sweet-scented isles, it didn't take me long to find my love... BASIL.

Truly, there is nothing better than the scent of fresh, home-grown basil. I love to smell it, I love to look at it's bright green color, I love to cook with it, and I love to plant it in a pot and place on my kitchen counter. I looooove the stuff. I let Sully take a good long whiff of mommy's fave. Okay, so maybe he was snoozing but i'm sure that somewhere in that little mind of his, the introduction left an impression.



time for a facelift

new mommy, new diamond ring... new blog look.



Back to school. Back to school. To prove to Dad I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.

So it was back to works-ville for me this morning. Yesterday was Easter and John's birthday. The combination of the two left me little time to prepare for today. Although Sully was down for the count at 9:30, I was still up at 11:30 last night washing bottles, making new bottles, stickering bottles (i've never used the word bottle so much except in referencing Captain Morgan or Grey Goose), packing Sully's bag for the nursery, etc., etc. We were finally off to bed around midnight.

6am could not have come any sooner this morning but it wasn't too hard to spring out of bed. You know that twinge of anticipation you feel when it's the first morning of a new year at school - 1/2 of you is excited to see all of your old buddies and the other 1/2 of you just wants to vomit? Although it's been a while since I finished school, I do remember the feeling and I had it again this morning. Sully was still asleep so I launched into the shower wondering if I would have to stop mid-shampoo because he was crying (John was still sleeping too). Got out, no crying. I dried my hair, put on my makeup, made my lunch, and got dressed - stiiiill asleep. I had to wake that sleepy baby up at 5 minutes after 7 this morning.

His face could not have been any sweeter if I painted it myself. In fact, had I painted it, it almost certainly would not have been sweeter. My art teacher in college basically gave up on me after about 4 weeks and told me I had "very little, if no, talent in drawing." Sad. But back to what I was saying... It was almost as if God strategically made his face just that much cuter this morning so I would be forced to stay at home and not leave him. I stared at his face the whole time he took his bottle. I told Carissa the other day that I think this will quickly become the best part of my day - feeding him when the morning light is not quite awake yet and the world is still quiet and peaceful. It's my happy place!

8am, we were out the door. John escorted us to daycare today, to ensure that I didn't leave squawling. We put Sully's mobile and baby mirror in his crib. And let me just add as a sidenote: he is only 1 of 3 babies that has a mobile and the other 2 are little rinky-dink mobiles. Sully has the "mack daddy" of mobiles and a mirror. I can't believe these other mommy's and daddy's aren't concerned about stimulating their babies. I was saying this same thing to my sister earlier, to which she replied, "yea, that's why we've got a bunch of dumb asses running around in the world." Funny and true!

I didn't do too bad leaving. It just took a few minutes and some whining (from me). Sully did great. In fact, I went back on my lunch break to check in and he couldn't have been more content. He was in his crib with his mobile on, kicking his legs. The ladies had calming music playing and all was well. I rocked him for a few minutes and headed back to work. I can hardly wait for these last 2 hours to pass, so I can go and see his precious face again.

Work has been nice and it's so great to see all my fellow mariner's faces. I've missed so many happenings in the past couple of months, so it's been less work and more gossip today. I have to say, it will be nice to have adult interaction during the day. John was giving me hell last night saying that I would be perfectly content if our tv had only 3 channels - Lifetime, Food Network, & Soapnet - to which I called him a total liar and tried with all my might to hold back a laughing smile. But he's right, it's time to get a life and stop living Grace Adler's. So here I go, back into the real world. I can't believe 3 months went by so quickly!