
busy, busy weekend

This weekend, John and I drove Tucker & the baby bump back home to Lancaster for the final time before baby makes his big debut. Busy doesn't even describe the weekend's events...

* 6pm - John and I cram sandwiches in our mouths, load the car: dog, toothbrush, deo, undies
* 6:30pm - we hit the road
* 8pm - John's face is mixed with emotions of horror and amusement as I begin to serenade him to "make the drive go faster"
* 9:15pm - we roll into the booming town of Lancaster, SC
* 10:30pm - having never slept in the bed with my significant other under my parent's roof, I had to wonder how this was going to go. Mom says (in a whisper), "I don't know if you were planning to sleep in the bed with John tonight, but just so you know, the guest bed is very unstable and breaks easily." Not sure where she was going with that.
* Midnight - We, very carefully, ease into the guest bed

* 6am - after 6 hours of NO SLEEP on the "unstable" bed, we are awaken by a mysterious kitchen farting
* 8am - I set John free to go play golf with Dad, Chris, & Riley
* 11am - hair-cut and style - w/ Trayce (I was instructed to look "fabulous")
* 1 to 4pm - my first baby shower compliments of Mom, Paige, Adrienna - Kilburnie House (can I use the word "fabulous" again?)
* 4pm - i'm rushing back to the house for a Gamecocks game that I wish now I had missed
* 6:30pm - makeup bag, Chanel Chance perfume, purple silk shirt
* 7pm - we're off to dinner for Mom's birthday (this included 4 hours of intense laughing and one very strange conversation about Gav's chrome truck balls)
* 11:30pm - John and I crash on the uncomfortable bed (I slept through the night without waking - quite an accomplishment these days)

* 9:15am - Church
* 11:30am - Lunch (John is confused as to why my family eats lunch at the hospital. Frankly, I am too!)
* 2 to 4:45pm - another shower given so generously by all of the sweet ladies at my church (Mom sported her sassy fish-net stockings)
* 4pm - Riley's soccer team wins the championship game!!!!!! I'm still sad that I missed it.
* 5:30pm - 5 paper cuts later, it's time to load the car again
* 6pm - we're back on the road to Charleston (more singing, compliments of me)
* 8pm - roadside stop at McDonalds (has anyone seen ol' Ronald McDonald lately? Lit-tle scary)
* 9pm - we arrive safely at home
* 10pm - John makes a drink, I crack an O'Douls, and we put the baby swing together. I mostly watched! :)
* Midnight - we put the long weekend to rest

So let's re-cap: 2 baby showers, an unstable bed, the mystery farter, a fabulous hair-do, chrome balls, 5 papercuts, soccer championship, tons of laughing and Ronald McDonald's scary ass. What a weekend!

1 comment:

rachel said...

courtney! i was reading this at work and got to the part about the kitchen farter and spit my coffee out laughing! you are just too funny!