
Goggled, and ready to go...

I'm driving across the Cooper River bridge yesterday... the windows are down, my hair's blowing in the breeze, and the voice of Alicia Keys is bellowing through every inch of my car. Then, totally unexpected -


My eyeball was greeted by an unexpected visitor.

Eyeball... meet Mr. Rock.

That's right! A rock flew into my car window and out of all the places it could slam its little self into, it chose my left eye. And what's more horrible than the stabbing pain, was the reminder of my beautiful new Prada sunglasses that were lost in the shuffle of an Oyster Roast last weekend - 4 DAYS OLD!!! Prada would have protected me, I know it! I almost cried!

I mean, don't we all assume that we will have the company of our eyeballs forever. I'm sure that's what my Papa thought until his eyeball met the sharp end of a knife, as a little boy - YIKES! Okay, maybe it's a little too early for that story!

The point in all of my rambling is... if you see me out and about and I'm wearing a GINORMOUS set of goggles, you'll know why. I really like my eyeballs, and hopefully we can enjoy many more days together!

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